To build a succesful home improvement business marketing and promoting your company will be vital to your success. Upon the start of your business it's imperative to get your word out. Social media will be one of the most effective ways of getting people to know who you are. We recommend creating accounts on platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram and be sure to incorporate the regular usage of your social media accounts into your advertising plan. This is an inexpensive and effective way to spread the word about a new business. It's also a good idea to invest in a company website to help build consumer trust. There are many website companies that can help. Zippidee offers an excellent variety of inexpensive website packages starting as low $99.00 per month. Visit www.zippidee.com for details. Zippidee also provides services such as social media marketing, SEO and content writing. For busy contractors and professionals hiring a professional company like Zippidee.com to manage this part of your business is a wise idea.
Depending on the services you provide you may want to consider becoming a member of trade associations such as Associated General Contractors or Associated Builders and Contractors Inc. Groups such as these can give you valuable and resourceful information and help you get off the ground. If you join any relevant trade organizations Zippidee.com recommends that you mention them on your website or even cross link to the sites directly from yours. This will help establish trust and validate your services within your industry.
You should also invest in marketing material for your business in items such as business cards, posters, door hanging flyers and signage. Hand these out liberally and ask your clients if you can post yard signs on their property. These are easy yet effective ways to generate name recognition and branding in the areas you work in. Lastly always ask for referrals. Whether you do large jobs or small jobs, referrals should always be asked for, they are by far the most powerful way to grow your business.
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