The last number of years has been red hot in most real estate markets. Many have seen their homes rise in value and are sitting on significant equity.
The markets may be reaching a ceiling and those considering whether it's time to sell should consider these two points.
1. If you sell where will you go? Selling is great when you can make a good return but you should consider where you will move if you do sell. More than likely homes in your area may have risen in value making finding your next home potentially difficult. You may want to take money off the table and rent until we enter the next buyers market.
2. Are there many current listings in your community? If there are a large number homes already on the market it may be difficult to attract buyers for top dollar. You can inquire about current listings in your neighborhood with the help of a local real estate professional. Zippidee.com can help connect you with expert local agents in your community.
If you decide to sell be sure to download our free report "44 Money Making Tips to Sell for Top Dollar". Happy selling!
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